What is Gemmotherapy?

“Sometimes there is a development that is so fantastic and seemingly improbable that it creates a paradigm shift in believing what is possible to achieve.”

Although man has always looked toward the plant kingdom for his nutritional needs, many cultures have also used whole plants for their medicinal purposes for thousands of years. That practice has come to be known as Phytotherapy (Phyto comes from the Greek meaning plant). Each culture seems to have developed their own ‘branch’ of Phytotherapy; the Chinese have TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine, the East Indian culture calls it Ayurvedic medicine but it all really falls under the umbrella of Phytotherapy (plant therapy).   In 1950 a doctor from Belgium, named Dr. Pol Henri started to research the ’embryonic’ tissues of certain plants, specifically, buds and rootlets, seeds and sap  for their therapeutic value. He discovered that it’s in these ’embryonic’ tissues that we find the most dynamic and energetic properties of the plants. These plant tissues which are like plant stem cells, contain a powerful healing potential that seems to have a significant influence on our human physiology, because they have the ability to work at the cellular level in our bodies. A process called maceration  uses solvents like water, glycerin and alcohol to extract these ‘stem cells’ into a consumable liquid preparation or remedy

In 1971 a doctor from France, Dr. Max Tetau expanded on Dr. Henri’s work by successfully testing some of these remedies on the patients in his clinic, thus proving the effectiveness of the remedies on various health concerns. It is Dr. Tetau who we give credit to for coming up with the word Gemmotherapy by combining the Latin term for bud, which is gemma and the Greek word for therapy which is therapia. Since their discovery, scientific studies continue to find even more health promoting features in these embryonic tissues versus the whole mature plant tinctures. These remedies have been found to contain minerals that help in enzyme production and other chemical reactions, nucleic acids RNA and DNA which enhance immune function, vitamins and minerals for nourishment, flavonoids that serve as antioxidants, plus many other elements that promote detoxification and help rejuvenate the body.

It wasn’t until 1996 when gemmotherapies were first introduced in North America by Dr. Gerard Guenoit, recognized at that time as the world’s leading physician in Biotherapeutic Drainage. He was beginning his first lecture tour, starting in Toronto, Ontario. By that time, gemmotherapy was widely practiced in Europe under the name of Biotherapeutic Drainage, which also embraces Oligo elements, tissue salts,  homeopathic remedies and more.

Gemmotherapy remedies are plant derived extracts that provide drainage of toxins and other waste material at the cellular level, where the root of our ailments can generally be found. Once in the extracellular fluid, these waste products are then funneled toward the elimination channels, also known as emunctories. The encouraging part about  gemmotherapies  is that they work with our physiology to restore balance to our body systems,  plus each gemmotherapy has an affinity or attraction to one or more specific body organ or system. This attraction allows them to work in conjunction with our body’s natural desire to achieve homeostasis or balance. Currently, there are about 55 different gemmotherapy products that have been studied and proven effective under both clinical and scientific scrutiny.

The benefit of these plant based gemmotherapy products is that they are non-toxic and  free of harmful side effects when properly administered. There are a handful of remedies that have cautionary notes because they have very powerful actions but, applied properly they are far safer than pharmaceuticals and generally more effective. Actually they can even work along side any other therapy you may be taking (even allopathic medicine) however, it is always advisable to inform your doctor about other remedies or supplements you may be taking. Although these remedies still fall under the umbrella of Phytotherapy, their proven effectiveness has been raised to a whole new level,  because,  they actually have the ability to repair damaged cells, encourage detoxification and support normal bodily functions.

There are two main European brands that hold true to original formulations, plus make their products under GMP practices. UNDA, out of Belgium and HerbalGem out of Luxembourg, are the two most respected names in producing these powerful alternatives to the chemical-laden drugs offered by the North American medical community. Here in Canada, Boiron, whose parent company is in France and has an association with Unda, also follows GMP practices and holds true to original formulations.

So, here’s something to seriously consider; if you truly want a healthier body wouldn’t you think that you need to start by building healthier cells (the building blocks of all tissues and organs)? And wouldn’t you want to use natural products that work with your physiology? From  companies that look at you as a whole being and not just a symptom?

That’s where using these gemmotherapy remedies are beneficial.  These remedies are not just ‘folklore’ cures that have been passed down through the years by anecdotal sources. They are clinically and scientifically proven products that address everyday conditions and concerns that we face regularly. Everything from acne to hemorrhoids and all that’s in between can be treated with these safe, gentle and effective remedies. So, whether the issues you’re facing are digestive, hormonal, pulmonary, urinary, arthritic, cardiovascular, neurological or skin conditions give gemmotherapies a try. Did you know that the remedies made from Hawthorn buds can actually improve your heart function, or Dogwood buds can help regulate your thyroid? Olive bud remedies can help clear your arteries and black currant buds can improve those allergies you deal with every spring. The remedy made from Rosemary can help with that gallbladder pain and Silver Linden buds can even help with your insomnia. Although gemmotherapies can provide results on their own, they are typically used in conjunction with Oligotherapy elements to enhance their effectiveness. Oligotherapies are mineral components and tissue salts in an ionized form that our bodies cannot synthesize yet are required as cofactors in many chemical exchanges carried out in the body. Without sufficient ionized minerals some of these chemical exchanges can produce faulty end products or produce nothing at all, thereby, leaving the body with a missing component for proper function. Some of these Oligo-elements are generally retrieved in the extraction process used by the above noted manufacturers, however, additional oligo-elements may be required in certain body systems.

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Something to think about!