- Eat properly… daily fruits and vegetables are a must
- Eat all colors of the rainbow
- Eat healthy fats like coconut oil, wild fish, avocados, nuts
- Avoid as much sugar and starch as possible; and no artificial sweeteners
- Avoid fast foods, deep fried foods, processed and smoke meats
- Eat plenty of fiber(found in fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains)
- Quit smoking, alcohol and recreational drugs
- Try to exercise at least 20 minutes a day… walking is great
- Drink plenty of filtered water… and absolutely no tap water
- Get a filter to remove chlorine from your shower and bath water
- Wash your hands frequently
- If you build your immune system it may not be necessary to get a flu shot
- Supplement with 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 every day
- Supplement with at least 1,000 mg of Omega 3’s every day
- Take a quality multi-vitamin/mineral everyday
- Try to get adequate sleep…7-9 hours per night
- Manage your stress immediately(stress depletes nutrients in the body)